



Climate & soil

Climatic aspects are fundamental. The climatic conditions at Tiare Vineyards are characterised by quite an important difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures, when compared to other wine-growing areas of the region.
The different origins of the soils and their traits contribute to distinguish the quality of Tiare wines. Our grape varieties grow in two types of soils:
Hilly soil composed of flysch (alternate layers of marl and sandstone) with a limited useful layer.
Deep foothill soil, which is characterised by a finer grain.
The different conditions of the soil affect the quantity of water needed and the levels of fertility.

The wines

Our selection ranges from native to international varieties.
The Whites Sauvignon, Malvasia, Pinot Grigio, Ribolla Gialla, Friulano.
The Reds Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Nero.

Soil management

We have analysed and studied the availability of nutrients at root level of the various plots of land in order to typify the various vineyards and enhance their differences.
he characteristics we found certainly depend on the geological composition and evolution of soil substrate, but the viability (microbial activity) of these soils is the true key to secure a balanced nutrition of the vines and bring what the soil has to offer to the wine.

Here at Tiare we have recently conducted detailed studies on the microbial communities in the soil and their impact on the quality of our wines.
Mineral nutrition and soil management is carried out with thorough care and to the upmost standard to enhance the particular characteristics of the wines. Cover crops are planted between the rows in autumn to promote root vigour and maintain the soil covered during winter. The vivid blooming of the wildflowers in spring attracts many beneficial insects and pollinating insects that preserve biological balance. Later on in the season, the cover crops are tilled in to improve the vitality of the soil, to increase the availability of oxygen and improve the overall quantity and quality of the organic matter.

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